Month: December 2013

Research & development

Hello! New supplementary tutorial is up – Introduction to blending modes

Why research? Well, I’m doing some research for my future-coming general tutorials as well as getting acquainted with free graphics software. I’d like to make the tutorials more accessible, I’m struggling a bit with lack of many features, but I’ve barely started. Remember that limitations keep creativity up! ;)

For the development part, Monstro: Battle Tactics has a new site, with a release countdown, and will serve as an information site and a source of download/purchase. This is a first large indie release I’ve took part in, so I’m thrilled! Be sure to check out the game once it’s out!

I’m also working on a map release for Duke Nukem 3d, I’m aiming to release in January (hopefully early, as a New Year’s release ;)). I’ve already broken the old limits, so the map will require Eduke32, it should also work with the recent Megaton Edition. I’m not Gambini or Pascal, so don’t expect anything revolutionary, but it should be decent enough. Duke aside, I plan on reorganizing the tutorials as post instead of pages and the menu as well, so I guess this counts as development too!

Most likely I’ll be too busy (or lazy) for a separate new year’s eve post, so have it now: Happy new year! I hope it will be full of creativity, accomplishments and joy, both for you and me! Have a map shot as well, cheers!



Hey guys! During the holiday season, one is usually more-or-less off work (less if you’re freelance), so it’s a great time to… Finally work on some projects. ;) As for commercial indie efforts, I’ve recently started a lot of animated pixel art stuff for the next installment of Kulkis serie.

Also, Monstro: Battle Tactics is almost finished – it’s currently in the testing phase, we’ve recently added finishing touches like the intro/outro voice overs. As soon as the testing is finished and all bugs are rooted out, the game will be available to play and/or buy! ;) Monstro is a tactical game much like Final Fantasy Tactics, or Front Mission, except without RPG elements and any randomness in the results of your actions, which lends to game’s more logical character. I’ve made all the graphics, including the pixel art tiles and sprites, as well as digitally painted stuff and watercolor illustrations.

Despite officially being on hiatus, I’m doing my best to push Supplice further graphically when I can. We’ve got few themes covered, but there’s still plenty to be done. ;) Mechadon & Jimmy assembled a little set of DM maps to showcase our texture themes, you can take a look at it here!

The idea of capturing motion

As far as graphical tasks go, I think animation may be the one of the hardest, and most time consuming of all. To improve the workflow, animation work is well planned ahead, heavily organized, with plenty of staff working on it most of the time – just read the credits for any animated movie. ;) Even now, with the improvement of technology, the only thing that is really easier, is the preview/test screening. However, somebody came up with the idea, that you could take an already recorded, acted performance and incorporate into your current medium. I’m sure many of you remember those guys:

Prince of Persia (1990 version), Another World (1991), Flashback (1992)

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